Friday 10 May 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I have used a wide variety of different techniques and theories within my magazine pages.

One of the easiest to discuss and easiest to employ within the pages is the idea of an additional incentive. On the front cover of my magazine I have used an eye catching earpiece that is distinctly separate from the main magazine offering the incentive of free downloads of the latest chart hits. This works extremely well as an additional incentive because it directly relates to the fact that I have created a music magazine but it also connects us directly with the audience as free downloads of music is something that my audience are very much used too as shown by my audience research which found that the second most popular choice for music listening preferences was through downloads and first was through electronic devices which is why the additional incentive caters for both downloading onto an electronic device or onto a computer. To attract the audience I not only used an eye catching ear piece design I also offered an incentive that is within my audience’s best interests and this also promotes synergy because it requires the audience to interact with the magazine website to gain their incentive.

Another way that I attracted my audience was by taking advantage of Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs. Maslow believed that one of our human needs was to have dreams and aspirations that we follow but are unlikely to succeed in achieving. To take advantage of this idea I have presented an ideal figure to my audience on the front cover of my magazine that they would aspire to. I created this figure by giving them characteristics that are desirable to members of my audience as I have discovered in my online survey that most of my audience aspire to be famous and look up to famous people including many famous musicians and so by presenting the figure of Aftermath I am catering to one of their needs by showing them that this dream is a possibility because Aftermath started out in a position that is created to be exactly like their own so this gives them hope and so encourages them to buy my magazine because they wish to know all about this figure so they can become rich and famous just like them.

I have also attracted my audience by following aspects of the uses and gratifications theory in creating my magazine. I have included aspects of all the different parts of this theory as I am informing my audience of the latest music news, I am providing an entertaining thing to do by making the magazine interesting to them, I am giving them conversations to have with friends through the provided information and therefore increasing social interaction, I am providing a small escape from the realities of the world and the stresses of the day and finally I am giving them a level of personal identification through the artists presentation.

Another way that I have attracted my audience is by using them directly as a source of how to structure and create my magazine. When doing research in the early stages of my magazine creation I asked my audience for their input on how my magazine should look in the form of a focus group and I adopted many of the ideas that they suggested so by using them as a source of information I will be attracting their attention as the magazine is made in a way that should appeal to them.

My usage of buzz words on the front cover of the magazine has also led to me attracting my audience as I have provided words like “latest” or “Number 1” on my cover to encourage readers to buy the magazine and attract their attention as my magazine is making bold claims that will attract their attention.

Attracting an audience in today’s society is far more difficult than it used to be and this because my audience has become fragmented making it difficult to attract the attention of the masses but by attacking with a multiplatform approach hopefully this can be overcome as through websites, online subscriptions, TV adverts, online ads, various websites and social media sites I should be able to attract their attention.

Moving on to the second part of this question, I addressed my audience through a mode of address that I felt was suitable for usage in a magazine for them. I tried to adopt a friendly conversational tone when talking to them in the magazine but at the same time I did not use any colloquialisms that would mean that other age groups may not understand what is being said. I also tried to keep the grammar and the words that I used to a basic level as my audience may not understand complicated words. So I tried to address my audience in a way that would seem friendly but not complicated while still staying open to others age groups.

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