Friday 10 May 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When constructing my product I used a variety of different programs and technologies and so I have learnt many things about them during the construction phase. Some of the programs that I have used include the online survey creation site Survey Monkey, the program for photograph editing Photoshop, the Microsoft creation software publisher and other programs during the creation of my final product.

One of the stages of creating the final product involved me doing comprehensive research into my target audience and to do this I created an online survey through the program Survey Monkey. By creating this survey online I have learnt about how easy digital technology has made this process to be as before collecting data from lots of people would require a huge amount of effort and time but digital technology has made this process extremely simple. Making a survey only took a few minutes and I had responses extremely quickly due to my usage of social media platforms. So one of the things I have learnt technology is how easy programs like survey monkey have made creating surveys and gaining results from them.

Another thing that I have learnt about technologies when creating my media product is the process of using Photoshop effectively. As I could not keep most of the backgrounds from my images this made them look unprofessional and to fix this I had to remove them all somehow and I found that the easiest way to do so was through Photoshop. As you can see from the images shown I removed the backgrounds from many images that I created as this was an easy process and it made the magazine look far more professional. The process made doing this an extremely easy task to carry out and has taught me a lot about how to use Photoshop successfully. It also allowed me to fit images into tight spaces because the nature of my front cover meant that I had to fit the image into the space between the various text articles and other features and Photoshop meant that I could erase the background of the images to make this process easier. Another technique I have learnt from Photoshop is how to effectively crop images as you can see I have cropped the images on my magazine pages, this is evident in the contents page as the image of Aftermath is cropped heavily to fit on the page.

 Another thing I have learnt a lot about is how to use Microsoft Publisher effectively. As you can see from the screen shots below of the progress of my magazine pages I have effectively learnt how to crop images, how to insert my own text onto the pages and how to do many other things. It also shows the different changes that I made and some of the decisions that completely changed the look of the magazine for example the change in the masthead or the introduction of a second page to the contents page.

So from these images hopefully you can see how much I have learnt about Microsoft publisher as the construction took a lot of work and I have come away from it knowing so much more about publisher.

The final technology that I am going to discuss in this question is the online blog. By using the site blogger I have created the blog that you are reading right now and I have learnt many different techniques that are evident when you look around the blog for example I have learned how to embed videos and slideshows directly onto the blog pages so they can be played whilst on the blog. I have learnt how to easily insert images onto the blog posts and I have discovered how to arrange a blog effectively and make it look presentable through background images and colour schemes.

So in conclusion, I have learnt a huge variety of things while creating my media product and this has allowed me to create some of my best work on a computer. These technologies have allowed me to become more efficient in creating content and have provided me with greater control and freedom in creating my own content and making my own mode of address. They will also allow me to reach a wider audience as they can easily be used to achieve this and overall they have allowed me to present my work more effectively in this blog.

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